Welcome to Paddle Experience!
We absolutely LOVE what we do – whether its on the sea, an estuary or the river. You will have a blast on the water when you join us on a kayak tour, or a training experience. With 90% of our clients returning time after time, we know that we offer a unique, interactive and fun time with each trip that we do.
We are entirely mobile, so can pop up anywhere, well… almost anywhere! We are always looking for a new adventure.
Our guides love being in the water so much that they can even be found paddling on days off!
Whether you have paddled a lot, or a little, or never before, there will be an experience with us for you!
You could choose to do all our kayak tour experiences in the Cape, you might decide to take it up as a means to get fit and active with our paddle fit session, you might want to work on your paddling technique, or bring your kids to junior canoe polo – we have it ALL on offer!

Oh my word! Where do we begin? It is all so exciting!

Cape Town offers so much:
Penguin Tour – Simon’s Town
Seal Tour – Hout Bay
Birding Tour – Zandvlei Estuary
Dolphin Tour – Three Anchor Bay
And then we have discovered even MORE:
Oudekraal, Cape Point lighthouses, Roman Rock lighthouse, Seal Island, the Bos400 wreck just to name a few!
Look at the bottom of the page for this months calendar to whet your appetite for adventure!

There are loads of different opportunities to train and learn with us!
Paddle Fit
Sea kayaking courses
River Proficiencies
Junior Canoe Polo
Chat to us about joining one of these awesome groups. Not only will you learn, but you will also meet an amazing community of paddlers.
Packages and tours are arranged to align closely with the abilities of participants, making these accessible to individuals at all levels. No activity should be significantly intimidating or overwhelming. Accredited guides and coaches lead and support every activity.
We also offer customised activities for families, groups and team-building workshops. This could be to celebrate a special event, a river proficiency workshop or a downwind activity. Paddle Experience operates a fully mobile unit, giving us the opportunity to access diverse locations.
Contact Tracy for more info on 071 174 3099 or tracy@paddleexperience.co.za